Eszter Kövesi Psychologist
I started my psychological studies at the University of Debrecen, then due to a scholarship, I earned my BSc degree at a university in the United Kingdom. I lived in London and Spain, travelled a lot around the world, met many and many kind of people and culture that even widened my openness to people.
All important things to me – relationships and family, the closeness of nature and animals, acceptance and positive view of life – are represented in my fields of expertise, thus I do my work with my personality and profession connected. I believe in human values, constructive human relationships and that due to hard life circumstances, traumatising events and sickening relationships may run a path of life aside, weaken the self-validation, start anxieties and deteriorate social relations. Unfolding happenings, shedding light to the structure of deficient connections and badly fixed patterns, as well as our “misunderstood self” is a huge accomplishment in itself, we may start to reconstruct ourselves from here and set our souls and relationships to the right path. With my work, I aim to support the stabilization of the physical and mental immune system, the formation of healthy self-knowledge and self-esteem as well as the restoration of constructive human relationships.