Eszter Kövesi Psychologist
The health of the human soul is fundamental for the life in our world and in our social systems, as well as for the successful management of everyday life. The development of appropriate self-knowledge highly supports the maintenance of healthy mental functioning – though, the journey of self-knowledge leads through a lumpy road. Through the exact mapping of our inner values, the acceptance of our weaknesses (the correction of them, if needed) we may meet and face our anxieties and the stress evoking phenomena. This psychological way makes us to find such inner sources of strength and healthy coping strategies that reserve us development and the healing of our soul.
In many cases, our inner world is not interpretable as an isolated, individual entity, thus it is worth to examine ourselves in a systemic approach: namely, as a part of a bigger unity that surrounds us. Such system can be a romantic relationship, a relationship inside the family, the whole family itself or even a wider society of friends or colleagues. We consider these aspects during the individual therapy too, so that the individual problem can become more interpretable and we may find the roots and dissolution of it more complexly.
The therapy takes places in a classical consultation room, but in certain cases and blockages, equine assisted therapy sessions are recommended, based on the mutual agreement of the couple/family and the therapist. You may read more about this under the menu of Equine Assisted Therapy.